
Identifying the best caterers is very difficult task. Because most of them provides catering services. In this field, many of them are most successful. M.s. Caterers are the famous and experienced caterers in this industry. They are 50 years of experience in catering services. M.s caterers offers only vegetarian catering services. Once you decided the event date then only you have to book the caterers. Finally, you have decide the menu details for the event. M.s caterers offers different types of menu like brahmin style menu, tamil style menu. Whatever you want choose that. They also give some deduction for their clients. M.s caterers are the best catering services in Chennai. So, choose the right caterers for your event.        


Contact Us


M.S. Catering Services

Old No. 29, New No. 12, Iyya Pillai Street,


Chennai – 600005

Phone : 94447 99330

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